Saturday, January 27, 2007

a few bottles of lost past

Three bottles each, that's the original plan of chow and me. We needed to catch up somehow with our fast paced lives (as of publishing of this journal it's still under debate whether i qualify for that 'fast paced' term). Along came doc, now we are off the count of two per person, reinforcements needed.
My brother joined us since i asked him to, somehow maybe i can have a sane drinking session with him not freaking out after, and am glad it went well.
Back to my childhood a lot has happened already since chow's wedding, it has been a week or so but a lot of the past didn't happen for just that whole week. Though there were only the three of us and my bro, it was a productive and sensible session. Like i said, those few bottles we shared were worth the past remembered, where regrets were optional and hates totally senseless.
All in all we had four bottles each except for doc who had three, by the way I admit i am alone.